“What books should my child be reading?”
“What books should my child be reading”, or “What is a book series my child might enjoy, without a lot of attitude or potty jokes?” These are questions that parents ask teachers daily. They should be simple questions for a teacher right? Not always true. Teachers should be able to tell you your child’s reading level/ability. Teachers can also tell you how to find books on each reading level. But had we read each of these children’s books to know what exactly is inside? Not until now.
If your child is reading above their grade level, it is always suggested that you check the content of the books before they read them. If your 1st grader is able to read on a 4th or 5th grade level, you probably want to be sure the content is appropriate for your 6 year old. Just like if your 3rd grader is reading on a lower level, it might not boost their confidence if the books you suggest they read have a kindergartner as a main character. Just Right Reads is here to help you out.
This website is a resource for you to find books on your child’s reading level, read a quick synopsis, and see a few details about the content inside each book. It is still very important for children to learn how to pick out “just right” books for themselves, but Just Right Reads is here for extra support. This website is in no way declaring any book appropriate or inappropriate. It simply provides you with information so you can find books that your child will enjoy. Happy reading!